Sunday, April 19, 2009

McCann can't see so good

Brian McCann, suffering with blurry vision in one eye even after Lasik surgery, will see a specialist regarding the issue.
“Either my eyesight’s changed, or I have a dry spot in my eye,” said McCann, mired in a 1-for-20 slump that has dropped his average to .200. “I tried wearing contacts for a week, and it didn’t work. Now I’ve got some antibiotic drops, and hopefully that will clear it up.”

If his vision has changed, he probably would have another Lasik procedure. That could require him to miss games and possibly go on the 15-day disabled list. He saw an eye doctor in Atlanta last week, but tests were inconclusive.
Fantasy Impact: McCann clobbered a couple of home runs in the opening series, but since then he's been pedestrian as a fantasy player. Put him on the pine until this issue clears up.

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